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Time to Celeberate All Things Women

The Undefeated Power of Black Women in Cannabis

National Women's Day is a celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women worldwide. It is also a call to action for gender equality and women's rights. This year, National Women's Day is particularly significant because it comes at a time when the world is facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has highlighted the gender inequalities that exist in our society and has underscored the importance of women's contributions to the economy and society.

One area where gender and racial inequalities are particularly stark is in the cannabis industry. While the cannabis industry is rapidly expanding and becoming a major player in the global economy, it is also an industry that is dominated by men, particularly white men. According to a recent report by the New York Times, black women make up less than 2% of the cannabis industry.

In conclusion, this lack of representation is particularly troubling given the creative and innovative potential of black women. Despite the obstacles they face, black women have a long history of making significant contributions to the arts, culture, and society as a whole. Black women are known for their creativity, resourcefulness, and resilience, qualities that are particularly valuable in the fast-paced and ever-changing cannabis industry.