It all started when…

125 Broadsreet was born during the pandemic. Like a vast majority of us, I was spinning my wheels on how I was going to help take care of my family. Like any other day, my now fiancé, and I put on our “spacesuits “while” vibing to music and talking I said “I love to be in the cannabis business.” From there is was fate. I begin creating ways to incorporate “flying high” into everyday life. I went from cocktails and juices (I make a pretty dope infused margarita), to soap, to body butters to the final journey…… Pastries!!! For myself I want my pastry TRIP to hit all the senses: sweet, savory, creamy, velvety. I was tired of the same old cookies and brownies. I wanted comfort, elegance, and decadence. 

When thinking of a name, it only felt right to name it after something that was important to me. 125 Broadstreet is part of my old address in Detroit, where I’m from; and if you know me, you know I love my city. 

Let me share my love for sweet treats and flying high with you!!

Welcome to 125 Broadstreet!!!